Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance

Note from Mr. B – things took a turn and I had to fly back to Wisconsin last night. Mr. Bisson will be with you today and Mr. Gustafson will be here on Thursday. Friday is CCV classes. Be kind to your subs. I will be on email, so you can contact me via email if you have questions. Agency share outs are next week. Follow the dayplans.
Today is a Wacky Wednesday – Read the dayplan and follow the times.
Lunch Form for Friday
10:10 Independent Reading Rubric – Do this First

The mid quarter reading grade will be posted at the end of the week. How have you done?
Evaluate yourself against the rubric. How are you doing at the mid quarter point?
This is the first thing to do today.
10:15 to Break – After Effects – Tutorials

This morning I’d like you to take a look at the Adobe After Effects tutorial pages. There are several tutorials over many pages. Select at least one tutorial. Click on the Tutorial, then Download the content of the tutorial and then work through the instructions to learn and create your own version. You should be able to complete this work between now and break time. Set a time goal for it.
Submit your tutorial to the Google Classroom dropbox. Be sure to render it.
Name it the name of the tutorial.
(example: CreateAnimateText.mp4). You encouraged to explore as many tutorials as you like.
10:50 Break

11:00 Weather Permitting – Photo Walk

Working in manual or another mode (shutter, aperture) get some shots around the community garden up near building trades. Take a trip over to the house and get some shots of the outside and maybe the inside if students are there. (they are building a house) near the apple orchard.
If you have a Canon t7 – consider taking your telephoto lense. Practice in focus images.
When you return the classroom, open up Camera Raw and do some editing of your favorite photos.
Drop your best photo in Dailies – Aidan – lead the dailies at the end of the day.
11:55 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Break

1:00 Production Time and Guided Support
Current Assignments:
- Composition Photography – Past Due
- 25 Free Photos – October 2nd
- After Effects Self Guided Tutorial – Due Today
- 20 % Agency Work – share outs October 2nd
1:50 Dailies – Led by Aidan!

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive