Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Welcome to Week – EIGHTEEN
Visitors this week – Tuesday and Thursday
EHS Exam week so we are doing lunch at 11:55 this week (Admin Request)
- If you don’t have an EHS exam, you are still required to be in program at CTE
- This week we will continue working on your Web Portfolio. Be sure to look at the requirements so you know what you are doing. You can find everything & the grading rubric in Google Classroom
- Parts of this week will be highly independent. I will deliver a few lessons here and there depending on what your portfolio needs are and where we are at. I’d like to transition to the Animation & Game Dev unit when portfolios are complete.
- If you finish your portfolio, let’s talk. I’ll help you transition to Unity with a license and account and we’ll test to make sure your code editor is working.
- This week’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- We’ll present Portfolios next week (Wed/Thur). After that, the quarter ends and so does grading.
- Done is better than perfect! Know your deliverables. Manage your time.
- This week:
- Usability testing (more on this…)
- Coding Sprints
- Remeber CRAP? Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity
- are you handling white space well?
- is your text large enough? Does it scale nicely
- do things look good on mobile and desktop?
- is your site attractive to look at?
- Publishing to your server
and… One Week until Zander’s 18th Birthday!
and… on more… Elizabeth’s grandfather passed, A note of kindness is at the front of the room. Consider decorating and adding a nice message.
10:10. Usability Testing a Website – with special Guest
Special Guest: Ms. Heidi McLaughlin (School Counselor for Cosmetology, Dental, Health Professions, ProFoods, PreTech)
- UX stands for User Experience
- Topic: Usability Testing / Demo
- Usability Testing Script
- End of Session Feedback Form
- Performance Tasks that our guest will tackle
10:50 Break
11:00 English with Mx. Yopp
11:55 – 12:25 Lunch
12:25 – Performance Tasks
Let’s start with Performance Tasks
Identify 3-4 scenarios/performance tasks for users to do while visiting your portfolio.
You could have them find and download your resume, locate a specific best works, find out your contact information….. Find something interesting about you. You get the idea. A copy of your usability worksheet can be found in Google Classroom to record your performance tasks.
You will test these tasks record your results.
Today (right now), write up your performance tasks and submit for me to review. Think carefully and creatively on what you want to have your tester review. Then submit. I’ll print them in advance of your meeting so you can record the results.
Now is the right time for…setting up your usability/performance task meeting. You can do this by professional email.
Subject: Web Portfolio Review Request
Dear [tester’s name],
My name is [Your name]. I would like to schedule a brief meeting with you on [Insert day] to review my web portfolio that I created for the Web Unit in CAWD2.
I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my work. The meeting should take approximately ten minutes.
I’d like to propose the following date/time [date and time here].
Please let me know if this time works for you, or if you have another time available.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your name] (Teresa Sorrell), (Kate McDonald), (Emmy Charron), (Sheila Patterson), (Allison Booth), (Kelly Fisher), (Cynthia Yopp), (Emily Quinn)
12:25 – 1:20 Code Sprint
1:20 Break
1:30 – 2:10 Code Sprint
2:10 Dailies
2:15 Independent Reading
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive