Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Welcome to Week – EIGHTEEN
NO – Visitors Today
We are going to jump right in to the portfolio work. Start with setting up your Usability Test Meeting and completing your performance tasks worksheet in Google Classroom.
EHS Exam week so we are doing lunch at 11:55 this week (Admin Request)
- If you don’t have an EHS exam, you are still required to be in program at CTE
- This week we will continue working on your Web Portfolio. Be sure to look at the requirements so you know what you are doing. You can find everything & the grading rubric in Google Classroom
- Parts of this week will be highly independent. I will deliver a few lessons here and there depending on what your portfolio needs are and where we are at. I’d like to transition to the Animation & Game Dev unit when portfolios are complete.
- If you finish your portfolio, let’s talk. I’ll help you transition to Unity with a license and account and we’ll test to make sure your code editor is working.
- This week’s goal is to finish the portfolio.
- We’ll present Portfolios next week (Wed/Thur). After that, the quarter ends and so does grading.
- Done is better than perfect! Know your deliverables. Manage your time.
- This week:
- Usability testing (more on this…)
- Coding Sprints
- Remeber CRAP? Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity
- are you handling white space well?
- is your text large enough? Does it scale nicely
- do things look good on mobile and desktop?
- is your site attractive to look at?
- Publishing to your server
Sticky Note Showdown
The sticky note showdown is a declaration of what you are going to accomplish today. Write on your sticky note what you intend to complete today. Write your name on it. Paste it under the “Showdown” section on the Whiteboard. At the end of the day, you will be able to remove the sticky note and proclaim yourself the showdown winner. If you don’t complete it, it will be there tomorrow and you lost the showdown today (and are left for dead).
Portfolio WorkSession
10:50 Break
11:00 English with Mx. Yopp
11:55 – 12:25 Lunch
12:25 The Visual Resume – Portfolio Option
A visual resume is a nice addition to your traditional resume. Right is an example that showcase some different ways to making your Resume Page on your Portfolio standout
The advantage of a visual resume is it draws the eye to your webpage and does not have to include everything on your resume, just the items you think are most exciting or interesting. Going outside the traditional resume give your viewer something exciting to look at.
Harper’s example was made in Illustrator (you can use Photoshop too) and then saved as a .jpg. Harper created a call to action button on the page to get the user to download the full PDF version of the resume. (Harper was a CAWD2 student)
Emile’s is a nice example of mixing a hero image and some basic html which includes two columns below the image.
Here’s another example from a previous student – made in Illustrator.
A visual resume is a nice option to spice up your page and make it stand out. It is not a requirement but having a resume page is required.
Other things you could consider doing on your Resume Page:
- Create a heading of Resume Highlights and list a bunch of highlights
- Add CSS to your HTML resume (if you coded a HTML resume) to get some custom looks – Student Example
- Add the display element to create a drop down effect
- Add an accordion
- Highlight some of your most meaningful skills
All Resume Pages must have a downloadable PDF version available
A good way to add a downloadable resume is to save a version as a PDF in your files. Then encourage people to have a look at it with a call to action button – check out what I mean – I made one as an example. A call to action button is a high contrast button with a call to action (“Download Resume”)
If you want a window to open up in a new tab – just be sure to add target=”_blank”
<a href="#linktoyourresume" target="_blank" class="button">Resume</a>
//if you want it to auto download you can just add the word download:
<a href="#linktoyourresume" class="button" download>Resume</a>
ProTip: When naming your resume include a date stamp: BohmannResume2025.pdf
12:25 – 1:20 Code Sprint
1:20 Break
1:30 – 2:10 Code Sprint
2:10 Dailies
2:15 Independent Reading
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive