Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
- Welcome to Week 19 – make those folders
- For CTE: Quarter 3 for us will officially begin this week. Quarter 2 and the first semester will officially end on Friday this week. All work (deadline) is Friday, 3pm or gone forever.
- Check email
- Check PowerSchool
- Check Google Classroom
- Check in with me
- EHS Students: Your schedule for Quarter 3 begins this week. I handed you your schedule for review.
- We have visitors today. 3 visitors. 7 minute rotations.
- Station One: Mr. Bohmann
- Station Two: Gabi
- Station Three: Ben
- Station Four: Tobi
- Cameras: Tobi, Ben, Gabi, Elle – please return
10:10 Portfolio Last Looks and Visitors….
Portfolio Details can be found in Google Classroom
Your portfolio deliverables:
At the very least, your portfolio will have….
- About Me Page with picture of you and a short description about yourself and what you’ll find in the portfolio (this will be your landing page – index.html
- Resume Page: HTML/CSS Resume or Resume Highlights page with PDF link to resume
- Best Works Page(s): 7-12 pieces of work (with descriptions and/or captions)
- You could also have several pages that show off your work by category
- 3D Modeling
- Animation
- Photography
- Web Development
- Motion Graphics / Multimedia
- Art & Design
- A Fun Facts Page:could be a piece of writing, community service summary, hobbies, list of things that inspire you, award and/or certifications with descriptions.
The details (the fine print):
- Your portfolio will be created using HTML/CSS and may (or may not) include a CSS Framework like Bootstrap. You may include javascript, just be sure you understand what you are adding.
- All pages will link through navigation (it may be one page scrolling or multiple pages)
- All pages will have a footer section with your contact information (you may want to include your socials too)
- All pages will have a <title> in the <head> so each page is unique
- Your website will scale for mobile and desktop.
- Mobile breakpoint will be set at 576px
- Your code will pass validation for CSS and HTML (warnings are ok)
- Your website will pass ADA (using WebAim) with no critical errors
- Your website will be usability tested with at least one tester, results documented
- Your website will be presented to the class (this will count in Q2)
10:50 Break
11:00 English with Mx. Yopp
11:50 – 12:25 Presentation Information and How to Prepare
Presentations will take place on Wednesday starting at 10:15am.
During your presentation you will:
- Walk us through your portfolio / What inspired the design of your site?
- Discuss your design inspirations and challenges (did you adhere to your moodboard?)
- Summarize the results from your usability report & changes that you made (basically how did that meeting go?)
- What are you most proud to show us from your portfolio?
- What area would you like to improve with your website?
- Share one of your fun facts or something from your extra page
- What are your plans for next year?
- Your portfolio will be on geocities
You are working on your portfolio to completion.
If you finish your portfolio – Congratulations –
I’ll assume if you are at this stage you have all the deliverables done for the Portfolio.
If you are all done, you may explore in Unity or Blender
Explore Blender – Tackle the new donut tutorial for 4.0 – very good as it covers a lot of good modeling techniques if you need a refresher and/or want to have some fun making the donut. Including modeling, sculpting, texture painting and geometry nodes.
Of course there are lots of other Blender videos if you want to try something else.
Explore Unity 2D – I am linking an incredible tutorial from Game Maker’s Toolkit in addition to the one below. This one will provide you with a really good overview of Unity and you can co-code and make your very first game. I recommend using / exploring the Unity Asset store – or make your own assets.
Unity – Unity is the game engine we’ll use in CAWD2. To prepare for our dive into Unity, do some exploring to begin to learn about your new game engine.
- Open the project we started last week and click around….
- Explore the Unity Asset Store
- Create some objects and watch/scrub through this video. I think he does a really good job getting you familiar with the basics of the interface, moving/looking and adding scripts and some basics of C#.
- console
- inspector
- game objects
- Unity Asset Store
12:25 – 12:55 Lunch
12:55 Independent Reading
1:20 Break
1:30 Design Challenge
1:55 Production Time and Guided Support
Current Assignments:
- Finish Portfolio
- Finish Late work
Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive