Class hours: 10:05 – 2:45
Mr. Bohmann |
10:05 Today’s Notes & Attendance
Welcome to Week 26 – make those folders
Peyton – Thursday WorkKeys Make-up. Conference Room at 10:15am. Check in here first.
Lip Sync Battle is Today – are you ready?
We are now in the start of Quarter 4 – our focus will be to use the tools from the previous three quarters and throw them into our work as we progress through the design and development of video games. Specifically:
- Game Engine Basics
- Understanding the game engine: logic, events, programming.
- C# Fundamentals and advanced game coding
- Creating interactive objects: triggers, buttons, and doors.
- Implementing physics: rigid body dynamics and soft body simulations.
- Level design: building game environments and obstacles.
- Lighting and Rendering
- User Experience and iterative design process ADDIE model
- Publishing
- Exporting to Unity from Blender:
- Preparing models and animations for Unity.
- Exporting to Unity and Unreal Engine.
- Optimizing assets for game performance.
- Animating and moving custom characters
- Development pipeline to Unity game engine
FYI – March 31st – No School
10:10 PSA Production Calendar – Let’s Review
Week Twenty Six -March 24th – 28th |
– Create our first animatic – which is a rough outline -around 25 seconds of Animation -Audio / Sound Effects -Titles and Facts included -Inclusion of Materials and Lighting If at the end of this week you have a good blocking of your scene you are in good shape |
Week Twenty Seven – March 31st – April 4th – Animatic viewing -25 Seconds – transitions, VFX as necessary -All Audio and Sound Effects -Titles and Facts with font choices -All materials -EEVEE Renders are fine for this |
Week Twenty Eight – SkillsUSA Week – April 7th – 11th. April 8th competition, then PSA Work Second Looks– This should be an EEVEE render that is a tighter version of your PSA. Second looks should include materials, sound AND your facts, figures and be just about complete. |
Week Twenty Nine – April 14th – 18th Final PSA PSA Screening – Final Due on Tuesday, April 15th. The goal is to submit the PSA per instructions in the contest guidelines. On Tuesday, April 15th), you will show your final render PSA to the class for your grade. Deadline: 11am. |
PSA Worksession
10:50 Break

11:00 Lip Sync Battle

Using a bracket style playoff, we’ll listen/watch each lip sync and vote on which one move forward. You might choose your winner based upon: animation of mouth, appeal, staging, song selection, complexity of animations/secondary animations. Your vote is your choice.
Work on your PSA
Model a Lunar Lander – A picture for inspiration – we will use this for a game I am interested in making

11:55 – 12:25 Lunch

12:25 Independent Reading

12:50 Independent Production & Guided Support
1:20 Break

1:40 Dailies

Dailies can be placed in the CAWD2 Dailies Folder on the CAWD2 Public Folders drive