Computer Animation and Web Design (CAWD) is for students interested in Computer Animation, Game Design, and Web Development in North Western Vermont.
We offer a learning pathway to higher education and the workforce different than traditional high schools, with a focus on hands on experience with 21st century tools and ideas.
We also have academic opportunities including Dual Enrollment college courses, college prep classes, design competitions, and industry certifications to prepare students for application to rigorous college and university programs.
We are going to start with a quick form for the student to fill out.
Today we are going to work in Blender.
Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and computer games.
If you enjoy what we this morning you could have Blender on your computer at home for free, and can get a head start and start exploring!
Today we are going to:
- Texture Paint a shark (definitely!)
- Rig a shark with a bone structure (pretty sure!)
- Animate a subtle swimming animation cycle (hopefully!)
- Whatever we don’t get to today is covered much more in depth in CAWD, today is just a taste of what we do.