To do short list:
- Add in particle effect using Niagara with help from Schulyer.
- Add in ray gun with help from Schyuler.
- Incorporate Art for Level 2: Casino, created by Josh Lebeau
Version 0.34
Art Style:

How do we get to level 2:

Should targets have lifespans?

Target Size:

Bad Target:

Version 0.33
- Attempted to fix shooting issue.
- Could not recreate accuracy issue, works on my machine and some users. Hoping problem is solved.
Version 0.32
- Added target replacement model from Logan King
- Fixed issue with shooting through walls
- Added muzzle flash
Version 0.31
- Took away raycast visibility
- Added in Blast Doors from Joshua Mathieson
- Changed to only 1 second added per target
- Generate overlap events for all objects that are new (obelisk + blast doors)
- Added percentage to game interface and database
- Erased DB
Version 0.3
- Swapped out room without beveled corners
- Brought down targets max height so not hidden behind the globe
- Use complex collision as simple for globe to prevent raycast clipping
- Turned off auto exposure to eliminate slow dark to light upon play
- Added Benjamin Lampron obelisk
- Changed lighting – with target IN the sphere, so removed. Added extra wall assets just to test out
- Changed lighting to blue
- Stretched out pitch for sound when target is shot
- Erased DB
- Added different in air things to play with
Version 0.2
- Sound added in credits / level (including target noise) / end screen)
Version 0.1
- First try